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Associate professor




Associate professor










Researcher, Lab coordinator

Senior Investigators:

Benedetto Farina MD, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, PhD in Neuroscience.

He is a member of  Scientific Advisory Board of International Society for Study of Trauma and Dissociation, member of Editorial Board of Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, member of the Board of Professors for the PhD Course of European University of Rome and PhD Course in Dynamic and Clinical Psychology of the “Sapienza", University of Rome.

Professor at more than twenty psychotherapy schools of specialization and masters courses in Italy and Europe.

His research interests range from psychopathology and neuroscience of traumatic

dissociative mechanisms, sleep disorders, to motivational and cognitive analysis of psychotherapeutic processes.


Main research topics


  • Psychopathological outcomes of developmental trauma


  • Psychophysiological correlates of behavioural disorders


  • - EEG cortical connectivity studies


  • Sleep disorders





Benedetto Farina

Associate professor

Students and former students


  • Dr. Stella Tamburello





  • Dr. Claudia Del Gatto

PhD student




  • Dr. Allegra Indraccolo

PhD student




  • Dr. Rebecca Honorati

PhD student




  • Dr. Claudio Imperatori 

PhD student




  • Dr. Luigia Palmiero

PhD student




  • Dr. Isabella Quintiliani 

PhD student


Marco Innamorati is an Associate Professor of Psychometrics and Psychological Assessment.

Prof. Innamorati completed his Psy.D. (cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy) from the Skinner Institute of  Rome, and M.Sc. (clinical and community Psychology) from La Sapienza University of Rome.

He is a licensed Psychologist and Psychotherapist.

He taught several undergraduate and graduate level courses in psychometric psychology and psychological testing, psychophysiology, and Psychotherapy.

He collaborates with the research group of the Suicide Prevention Center of the Sant’Andrea Hospital, Sapienza University of Rome from 2003.

He is member of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and the IASP Task Force on suicide prevention for older persons.

He is the entering National Representative for Italy of the IASP.


Main research topics


  • Construction and transcultural adaptation of psychological measures


  • Assessment and prevention of suicide and mood disorders.




Prof. Marco Innamorati

Associate professor

Riccardo Brunetti, PhD (Roma, 1976), experimental psychologist and theatre trainer.

Develops a Cognitive research on Attention, Acoustical Perception, Mental Representation of Actions, Cross-cultural differences.

He is member of the Board of Professors for the “Cognitive Science” PhD Course of the “Sapienza", University of Rome.

He is expert of Pedagogical and Social Theatre and he teaches for the Master Programme "Teatro nel Sociale e Drammaterapia" at the “Sapienza” University of Rome.

He is specialist in using theatrical tools for intercultural contact.


Main research topics


  • Crossmodal processing


  • Visuo-spatial memory


  • Psychology of Music


  • Action representation


  • Attentional processes




Prof. Riccardo Brunetti

Researcher, Lab coordinator

Prof. Luca Iani 



Luca Iani, PhD, specialised in Health Psychology at the University of Rome.

He then gained his Ph.D with a thesis entitled “Effects of an intervention aimed at promoting healthy eating attitudes and behaviors in adolescence” at the University of Florence, Department of Psychology.

Following this, he has been adjunt professor in Clinical psychology at the University of Florence for one year and in Research and clinical psychology at the “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara for another year.

In 2009 he became Researcher at the Department of Human Sciences of the Università Europea di Roma.

He is a member of the Italian Board of Academic Clinical Psychologists (2010-2015) and of the Doctoral Committee (Cognitive Psychology and Clinical Assessment) of the Università Europea di Roma (2012-2015).


Main research topics


  • Planning, implementing and evaluating psychologically based interventions to improve health and well-being


  • Development and adaptation of psychometric testing of health-related constructs


  • Structural equation modeling in the Psychology of Health and Well-Being. 




Prof.ssa Anna Contardi


Anna Contardi is a researcher in CLinical Psychology since 2009.

She teaches “Cognitive and personality psychology” and “General Psychodiagnostics and laboratory” for the undergraduate and graduate psychology courses at the Università Europea di Roma.

She was teacher of the Master programme “Lavoro, Famiglia e Leadership Femminile”, promoted by the “Istituto di Studi Superiori sulla Donna”.

She is the coordinator of the MA in Psychology for the Università Europea di Roma and she has been a member of the Doctoral Commitee (Cognitive Psychology and Clinical Assessment) for the same University.


Main research topics


  • Attention and therapeutic processes


  • Cognitive Causal Psychology


  • Psychological dignosis and clinical investigation




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